Horizon Power Whistleblower Hotline
This service is not an emergency service. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call either emergency services on 000 or if you are an employee reporting an electric shock, notify your formal leader. For further information refer to the “Incident Management Procedure” available internally for all staff and contractors; if you are a member of the Public, please contact HPCC. For further information please go to the “Making Your Home Energy Safe and Efficient”.
This report will take between 10 to 15 minutes to complete. If you are making a Disclosure under the PID Act, prior to submitting a report, please read the Public Sector Commission's “Guide for Disclosers” by clicking here.
Please tick to confirm you provide permission for Deloitte to forward your report to Horizon Power.
If you have chosen to be "Confidential", you also confirm you provide your consent for your name and contact details to be passed on to Horizon Power and for Horizon Power to contact you directly.
If you choose to be “Completely Anonymous” or “Confidential (Restricted)”, information you provide which may identify you, may be removed prior to the information being provided to Horizon Power.
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