

MLC Reporting Service

The MLC School Reporting Service is for the confidential reporting of alleged serious wrongdoing such as misconduct and child protection breaches at MLC School, and its current associated entities.

Theft, workplace bullying, harassment, unethical behaviour, child protection breaches, work health and safety, and serious  misconduct have a negative effect in the school, on morale and organisational culture.

By reporting misconduct and child protection breaches, you can help ensure all students, staff and contractors are safe and secure while at MLC School. Incidents involving child protection which have occurred historically are also able to be reported via the MLC School Reporting Service as there is an unlimited timeframe to report these matters.

If you see or suspect something wrong such as:

  • Theft
  • Workplace bullying
  • Harassment
  • Unethical behaviour
  • Breach of Child Protection Policy (unlimited backdate in place)
  • Work Health and Safety
  • Serious misconduct

Don't turn a blind eye, report it and help make MLC School a safe, fair and honest institution.

The MLC School Reporting Service treats all disclosures seriously and we are committed to reporting and actioning concerns:  remember if you "see something - say something".

All people who make a disclosure are assured their identity remains confidential at all times to the extent permitted by law.